What is the purpose of our foundation?

We are a group of enthusiastic volunteers who like to lend a helping hand to animal helpers in countries where stray animals are having a very hard time.

For this purpose, there are continuously new aid projects on our website, in our newsletters and on social media. We invite animal lovers to donate to these projects.

The Netherlands is the only country in the world that fortunately does not have any stray dogs.

We therefore look carefully at which animals in which countries need the most support. That is why there is also more attention for animal helpers in Eastern Europe than, for example, in more prosperous Spain.

Unfortunately, there are only a handful of foundations that try to help animal helpers on a small scale worldwide with say 100 to 1,000 animals.

Despite the fact that there is almost no real animal emergency in our own country, there is still:

  •  Animal police.
  •  More than 60 official and heavily subsidised animal shelters.
  • In the Netherlands, there are several animal ambulance services available to help pets in emergencies. While exact numbers can vary, most major cities and regions have their own dedicated animal ambulance services. Additionally, there is a national animal ambulance service (144) that can be contacted    for emergencies.
  •  The Animal Protection Society, which has more than 150 million (!) euros in it's bank accounts (not including real estate) that is hardly used for animals abroad, which we find a shame;
  • Stichting Dierenlot, which collects more than 4 million euros annually, but has included in its statutes that it only wants to help animals in the Netherlands.
  • There are even more animal foundations (Sophia, etc.) that only operate within the Netherlands.
  • There are also dozens of funds in our country based on legacies from wealthy animal lovers who have often left millions, but even then usually only for animals within the Dutch borders.
  • That is why we have turned it around: we aim at helping those stray animals that are really living in a miserable state, wherever they are.

    In countries like: Romania, Ukraine, Greece, India, Bosnia, Serbia, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa, Bulgaria, and Moldova to name a few.

    We have also successfully conducted various aid projects in Spain and Portugal in the past 15 years, but have since shifted our focus to other countries.

    Donations that have no indication on what the donor wishes to spend it on are all used for sterilisation projects. Ultimately, this is the only way to really tackle the stray animal problem in a structural way.

    Every year, we ensure that between 10,000 and 15,000 sterilisations for dogs and cats are conducted. This is the highest number conducted, compared to all animal foundations in Western Europe.

    Furthermore, we do not rent big office buildings.  All volunteers simply work via the internet from their own home. There are also no costs for lease cars and other unnecessary frills.

    If you have any further questions or would like to actively collaborate with us or support us, please email our chairman and co-founder Hanno Berger: hanno@dierennood.nl or call him on: 010-420 2344.